NYC/Flushing West Livability Study
NYC Department of City Planning has initiated the Flushing West Neighborhood Planning Study that aims to examine key land use and zoning issues in the neighborhood. Within this study Spacescape has analyzed basic livability in terms of density, public open space, and street connectivity of whole New York City and of the proposed development of Flushing West.
Analysis results of the proposed development shows that density and street connectivity meets the standards of UN Habitat and LEED. However, public open space standards as proposed from NYC EQR and UN Habitat are not met. Public Open Space analyses shows that public open space provision in New York City are generally low.
Recommendations for new Flushing West are to connect streets to waterfront open spaces and create plazas as meeting places where streets meet the waterfront. Active frontages and high quality landscaping are destinations along major pedestrian routes. This will support livability for residents and visitors.