Spacescape starts project with Cities for Better Health
The decreasing physical activity in our cities today constitutes a global health crisis, which has led to increased health problems, such as obesity, diabetes, dementia and cardiovascular disease. Research shows that the built environment in cities and access to opportunities and places for physical activity are crucial for public health. Cities for Better Health (formerly Cities Changing Diabetes), is an initiative founded by the Danish pharmaceutical company Novo Nordisk that helps build impactful prevention partnerships at the city level, foster trust among stakeholders and gather compelling evidence for action in over 45 cities across the world. The initiative focuses, among other things, on improving the conditions for active mobility and creating more equal access to recreation and activating school environments, with a particular focus on vulnerable groups and children.
Spacescape has partnered with ’Cities for Better Health’ to develop a digital platform that aims to help you explore and measure how places, urban design and facilities can increase daily physical activity in cities around the world, enabling more movement in urban areas. This can help people, placemakers and urban planners create, discuss and analyze projects that promote physical activity and public health in cities all over the world. This work will be coordinated with ongoing initiatives with C40 Cities and the Research Unit of Active Living — University of Southern Denmark as well as the former project Thriving Foodscapes run by Gehl Architects. During the collaboration, we will also initiate dialogue with other public health actors in the Nordic region and globally.
Questions or inquires? Contact Alexander Ståhle.